Inspirational Fantasy Novel

Adam in Taoland

Adam escapes a monotonous life dominated by AI-controlled robots to adventure across the universe in hopes of a better and more-fulfilling life in another galaxy. Aided by ethereal beings and real life angels, he navigates all the trials of life to seek his true purpose.




Inspirations 2024 - Dreaming Dreams

Our new release is a compilation and update of inspirational blog postings we release once every week via social media. It makes the perfect gift and a beautiful coffee table book.

Watch our video slideshow representing the first year of the episodic screenplay.

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Adam in Taoland

The first book in the Dreaming Dreams Series, Adam in Taoland, is an inspirational fantasy adventure from Adam’s AI-controlled home planet to a rogue planet far away. Follow Adam as he escapes AI rule in hopes of a more fulfilling future elsewhere.