Adam Novana

Role in Story: Lead Male Character, Protagonist

Age: 20-50

Occupation: Engineer/Inventor, Husband/Father, Senior Executive at Tezhouse, Politician

Characteristics: Extremely intelligent, sarcastic, funny, huge heart, at the age of 20 has no idea as to how to relate to others.

Background: In the Fourth Millennium, Adam escapes his Homeland of Novana where humans have surrendered their very purpose for existence to the dominating rule of AI and AI-created robots called Plakerols – who provide all that is needed, making human life meaningless. He is gifted with a guardian angel, Adriella, who provides him with all history and knowledge before AI took over. Knowledge without any way to apply it nearly destroys him – until he is rescued and given another life in Taoland – where he brings his best-in-class education in highly advanced AI and its applications.

Relationships: Adam was created through genetically engineered DNA – thus he has no family of origin and no relationships while in his homeland. After escaping Novana and AI rule, he seeks the relationships he never had – but he has never experienced love, compassion, or even conversation, and struggles to figure it all out. This changes dramatically when he falls madly in love, marries, and with his wife Tariana begins to form friendships throughout the land. They have two children, Tojo and Kaleeva, and toward the end of the novel they become grandparents. 

Throughout most of his 30 year journey of self-discovery, Adam is conflicted by various relationships as husband, father, and in his career. With no prior role models from his youth, he struggles to find balance in his family/career and political responsibilities. Fortunately, he is guided by angels, gurus, mentors, and friends – and eventually evolves as a caring person of deep feelings and purpose – as reflected in his emerging relationships.

Conflicts: Progressing conflicts regarding family, career and self bring Adam and Tariana to the brink of divorce. He must repeatedly choose between his marriage and his work – in the first two decades in Taoland usually choosing the false choice of power, position, and material gains.

He mistakenly believes his job is to provide materially for his family, but he is only fooling himself, as he is driven overwhelmingly by a need to succeed at work. He simply does not know how to love Tariana and his children in the ‘right ways.’

His worst conflict is with Bogart, his nemesis, a senior executive who fears Adam as a competitor and who fervently engages in despicable acts aimed at destroying Adam’s career.

Adam is also conflicted about AI, and how to best implement it in Taoland. He knows of its enormous potential for good, especially in medicines and disease prevention, as he invents and brings to market TIPDI – a breakthrough in health related AI applications. On the other hand, he knows from experience in Novana that AI brings the potential to replace human endeavors in ways that destroy human realization and purpose.

Through it all, with the help of others, Adam manages to  resolve these conflicts and  find the needed balance and discover his true calling of selfless service to others.

Goals & Motivation: He wants to experience everything in life that he missed under servitude to AI and the Plakerols. He wants to make his wife safe, comfortable and proud – and he wants to give his children everything he was denied in his youth. As his adult journey begins, he has no idea what that means or how to achieve it. His primary initial goal is success in his career at Tezhouse – meaning promotion, power, financial compensation, and position. He wants praise and adulation from Tezhouse executives. Throughout he wants a life with purpose. But through most of the saga he sets his goals based on a compulsive desire to succeed at work – even as he invents solutions (TIPDI) that can save humanity from previously incurable diseases.

Long term, Adam searches for his true purpose – longing for a deeper, spiritual meaning for his existence.