
Name: Adriella

Role in Story: Messenger from a higher power for Adam.
Background: Adriella was sent from a higher power to implant the Key to the Wind – to provide all knowledge of human history, and to guide Adam towards finding his true purpose in life. She begins an ethereal unseen connection with him when he was 10 years old – and implants in him the Key to the Wind, a gift of knowledge that enables Adam to see humans’ past before AI took over. She remains with him, as Guardian Angel for the remainder of his life, appearing when most needed and least expected. She inhabits a glowing sphere and can appear at her will and often shows up when Adam is in emotional turmoil and needing support.

Relationships: Adriella is close with Adam, because they are eternally connected. She is also close to Tariana, to whom she has also been assigned as Guardian Angel – from the time when she was a teenager back in her own homeland. 

As Adam and Tari’s relationship grows, and conflicts arise, Adriella plays a supportive backseat role in their life and marriage, encouraging them to heal their wounds and seek true purpose as a team.

Conflicts: Adriella is emotionally devastated and saddened for Adam after the humans of  Novana surrender their liberties to AI – wiping out all human purpose and emotions.. She is hopeful that Adam can surmount his despair over this and choose to escape to another place, Taoland, as offered by her friends and senior Angel Malaika. 

Adriella displays her emotions outwardly at times through non verbal (telepathic) communications with Adam and Tari.

Adriella’s Goals: She wants to guide Adam and Tariana to discover their  true purpose in life so that  they can help other humans escape the scourges sicknesses, corruption, deceit, poor governance, and domination by out-of-control AI. She is driven by the overall dream of the Creator – a universe of fairness and opportunity for all humans throughout the Universe.