A Hope For Peace

Established in1981, International Peace Day is described by UNESCO as “a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.” 

On this day, a moment of silence is observed at noon in every time zone – effectively sending a wave of peace around the globe – and demonstrating the intimate connection and oneness of the inhabitants of our magnificent planet. It is a day when countless people of all races, cultures, languages, and religious beliefs detach themselves from their daily lives to observe our common blessings; a day when our hearts beat to the same rhythm and our souls give off the same vibes. 

It is a day to celebrate the ideals of peace and pray for the end of war and violence. A day to raise awareness for causes of human rights and to build bridges through intercultural dialogue. A day to foster peacefulness in ourselves, our communities, and our world. A day to celebrate our diversity and respect our differences. A day to recognize that all humans share the same planet, and common destiny, and the right to dream our own individual dreams.

The truth is all humans share the same thoughts, values, and desires. Whether from war-torn, third world, oppressed countries or modern politically-stable countries, humans do not want strife in their lives. Down deep we all yearn for peace with our fellow humans and harmony with nature. We all have families, friends, hobbies, interests, and personal goals –  and these are far more important than any human-created divisiveness that leads to conflict, endless wars, suffering, and deaths of the innocents.

As authors of futuristic fantasy fiction, we create conflict and tensions in our stories –  and the unfortunate truth is that these are modeled after events and actual people found in human history. We then create resolutions of these conflicts – hoping that our readers might find hope and inspiration in the positive role models scattered through our novels. If our goal is achieved with just a single other person, our purpose is fulfilled. The more the merrier, of course.

In the second book of our series, Homeland Rescued, Adam and Tariana become  mediators for three conflicting regions of Galtland in Novana that are on the verge of senseless, bloody civil war. They encourage the leaders to set aside their differences and focus on common goals and dreams that might unite them in a lasting peace. We hope you are inspired by our heroes.

On this day, as we mentally join hands with others all around the world, let us remember that on both physical and spiritual levels we are all the same. Let us individually and collectively demand that those atop our societies resolve and prevent conflict and lead our world instead towards opportunity and a more equitable, just, secure and peaceful future for all.

This is what we the people want – and it is our calling to make it happen, no matter how difficult or even impossible the challenge appears to be.


The Great Teachers


A Day of Infamy; A Call For Unity