DNA Exploration: Potentials and Risks

Throughout history, advancements in medical science have brought our world out of the darkness of ignorance and into an era of enlightenment.

Thanks to the milestone discovery of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick back in 1953, we now can look inside the molecular levels of human beings to investigate disease pathways and genetic susceptibilities, diagnose conditions for various diseases and cancers, formulate and test new drugs to use in the treatment of various diseases human ailments – and delve into the pathogens and strategies employed by viruses, bacteria, and parasites to infect their human body.

Other societal impacts enabled by DNA information include the enhancement of forensic science and criminal justice (including solving age-old cold case crimes), advancements in agriculture and biotechnology, and the exploration of human diversity and ancestry.

Coupled with the today’s rapidly escalating use of AI, DNA research will most certainly lead to future breakthroughs in storing and retrieving large amounts of data in DNA molecules, developing personalized and precision medicine based on individual genomes, enhancing human health and longevity with gene therapy and anti-aging interventions, and discovering new forms of life and extraterrestrial DNA.

But where are the limits? Just how far should we take our research into the very process that makes us who we are as individuals? How do we avoid unintended consequences that destroy the very nature of human life?

Motivated to address these questions, we authored Adam in Taoland in part to warn about the very real risks and profound dangers in ‘playing’ with DNA and AI -- such as gene mapping and alterations to create the most viable offspring. This was done in our debut novel in Novana where human DNA was managed by AI2 -- Artificial Insemination by Artificial Intelligence – a deeply disturbing future possibility.

Adam himself was created by a Higher Power through genetic engineering. He came into the world alone, without a family and without any of the unique aspects that places humans above all other life forms. He was born into a society where human purpose had been eliminated through advanced technology. Adam’s discovery of how humans lived their lives before AI domination and DNA manipulation sent him into a tailspin of despair – which fortunately, with the help of Angels, led him to employing advanced technologies for eradication of previously incurable diseases in Taoland.

The potential for employing AI and DNA for creating human life in test tubes is a highly controversial and complex topic that involves ethical, social, and scientific challenges. Some of the beyond horrible potential consequences include:

·        Reducing human diversity and creating new forms of inequality and discrimination based on genetic traits,

·        Violating the autonomy and dignity of the prospective children and parents by imposing external standards of perfection and value,

·        Introducing harmful side effects of genetic manipulation that could negatively affect the well-being and very purpose of future generations of humans, such as what happened in our story about Novana.

·        Destroying the natural processes of life and evolution.

·        Undermining the moral and spiritual values of human life. 

These are some of the arguments that have been raised by those who oppose the use of AI and DNA for selecting offspring, including we, your authors. While we appreciate the potential benefits and opportunities for improving human health and quality of life – we must warn against the perils of misuse – as we ponder the question: “Who decides?”


Mark Twain: Novelist, Humorist, and Moralist


A Great Composer