Let’s Unite against Terrorism

Readers may notice that we have already posted this topic before but we feel that in light of current world events it is essential that this messages reaches as many people as possible so we have decided to repost it.

In 2017, the UN General Assembly marked August 21 as the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. The UN thus recognized that terrorism is a global scourge that seeks to foment distrust and hatred between states and peoples -- tearing societies apart and undermining institutions and bonds that tie communities together.

An average of 21,000 people fall prey to such violence every year. Our world has sadly become infested with bigotry, intolerance, and hostility towards those who look or believe differently than ourselves. Most of the victims are average and innocent people – in the wrong place at the wrong time – with no connection to the terrorists who take from them their peace and far too frequently their lives.

But while the world honors the victims, what we really need are solutions. We really need to put an end to this scourge once and for all. The hatred that fuels terrorism is not part of the human DNA – hatred is a learned behavior. We are all different; we are all the same. As expressed in South Pacific – no human is born of hate and fear – these must be taught – and if taught to our youth, hate and fear will fester and become a metastasizing disease with violent repercussions. We’ve encountered these results not only throughout the course of human history, but in our own lifetimes.

Whether victims are targeted by race, nationality, religion, or lifestyle choices – it’s time for the world to come together and say, “Enough – we will no longer tolerate this scourge.” Fellow citizens of the world have a moral responsibility to unite behind a shared purpose and a common goal of ending intolerance on all levels once and for all. We say no more apathy, no more excuses, no more heads in the sand.

Every one of us knows that heinous acts of terrorism continue to this day to inflict immense suffering to people globally. Let us say “no more” to vicious unconscionable attacks against innocents in their homes, on the streets, gathered in parks, town halls, college campuses, and places of worship. Once and for all, let the world no longer allow terrorism to tear societies apart, undermine institutions, and reek suffering and death upon so many.

In Homeland Rescued, the second novel in our ‘Dreaming Dreams’ trilogy, Adam and Tariana find themselves in Galtland, a place on the verge of war. They become victims of a terrorist attack – perpetrated by forces with whom they have no grievance. In order to stave off a bloody civil war, our heroes navigate the complexities of biases and mistrusts built over centuries. Adam and Tariana guide three opposing forces to speak with each other, focus on common goals that unite them, and respect and accept differences that threaten their very survival. 

Let us pray that those disrupting peace throughout our planet ultimately yield to “we the people” – the vast majority of whom want peace and are ready to embrace those of different cultures and religious beliefs. Let’s individually begin by making small differences in our own everyday lives – with love driving out hatred and mutual trust and respect replacing intolerance.


Picasso - The MAster


REvolutionary Leader