LIberty for All
On June 4th, thirty-four years ago, the Tiananmen Square Massacre was a violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The protesters were peacefully demanding economic freedom, more freedom of speech, calling for the end of corruption — all of which are fundamental rights of all human beings. The government eventually sent in troops and tanks to suppress the protests — which caused hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths. The demand by the people for liberty, while not successful, has had a lasting impact on China and the world.
The event today still has significant global implications, as it raised concerns about human rights abuses and government repression. Around the world, people are in a constant state of struggle against various oppressors to secure the liberties they are entitled to. The countless activists who are prepared to raise their voices against those who seek to shut them down have made significant progress on the acquisition of rights for all. Without them, we would still be living in times of subjugation to our oppressors.
In our second novel, “Homeland Rescued” — Adam and Tariana lead hundreds of millions of Novanians, living under totalitarian rule by AI, to choose individual rights and hard work and the rewards of one’s labors over ‘free things’ and servitude to the state. The oppressor in Adam’s home — the AI controlled Plakerols — held humans in a state of suspension by giving them everything to satisfy their physical needs but totally denying their emotional desires.
As we pen the words in our novels, we speak out for liberty for all. We remember and commemorate the struggles of countless human rights activists, dissidents, and democracy advocates around the world. Their work reminds of the importance of maintaining open and free societies that value human contributions — and the necessity of protecting individual freedoms and a purposeful life for every human on our planet.