Prince of Peace

On December 25 most celebrate what is clearly one of the most significant events in world history – the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. 

Some, the world’s 2.4 billion Christians, adore Jesus as the embodiment of the Almighty, the Son of God. Others, including the 1.9 billion Muslims, honor Jesus (‘Eisa in Arabic) as a great prophet. Almost all see Jesus of Nazareth as a man who walked through life preaching righteousness – a goal we all strive for. His life and teachings influence us to this day, more than 2000 years after his death.

Jesus Christ taught us to love God, your neighbors and yourself; to forgive, even those who have wronged us; and to love our enemies. Simple words that if practiced would transform the world.

As writers, we constantly search for inspiration – and discover this in individuals who took their own inspiration from Jesus and other historical figures. Those we’ve written about earlier in these “Inspirations” – Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and others – were stirred by the words and lessons of Jesus –  a prominent link in a long chain of individuals whose character and teachings brought about social change and continue to do so to this day. 

If we take a broad look at history’s most influential figures, religious figures or not, their teachings are woven of the same fabric. Like Jesus, they all provide society with a moral and ethical framework on which to structure our lives. They preach that all humans are equal and deserve dignity and respect from all – and should give the same in return. They stand up for the poor, marginalized, and oppressed – and serve as the glue that binds us together as the human race, the guiding light in troubled times, and a touchstone for the way we live our lives. 

While Jesus’ title as a religious figure is something not universally agreed upon, his legacy is something all acknowledge. His life proves his genuine, deep love and compassion for all beings. Let us strive for everything that Jesus presented as good and just – and do our best to implement his teachings in our everyday lives.

Just as we turn to Jesus Christ and others for inspiration for our own personal lives, we hope that what we’ve injected into our stories does the same for our readers – readers of all faiths and beliefs. Jesus used common situations and people to convey deeper spiritual truths that no one can deny – qualities we’ve done our best to weave into the pages of our books. We, your co-authors, practice different faiths. But we never disagree on the core values that come from our Creator. We hope that you are impacted positively by the universal truths we write about. 

In our novels, beginning with Adam in Taoland, we never preach about religious differences that tend to divide us – differences that have resulted in countless millions of deaths at least in part due to conflicting faiths and beliefs. Instead, we speak to our readers with words and messages found in every faith – the unifying common beliefs of almost all citizens of our amazing world. 

Let us reflect on the teachings of Jesus Christ – and regardless of the religions we follow, let us pray in one voice that His words might guide this world to become a better, fairer, more peaceful, and more compassionate home for all.


Happy New Year


A Brutal Dictator