
Name: Abraham

Role in Story: A “Spirit”, the “Greeter” for select visitors to Taoland, a special friend and guide throughout Adam’s 30 years in Taoland. Abraham is a mystical and otherworldly guide who transcends the boundaries of humanity. His purpose is noble – as he delves into the enigmatic essence of his charge.
Background: Abraham inhabits the pond on Roshi’s farm and serves as a greeter for some who enter Taoland. He questions Adam on his purpose, guides him throughout to reject false (materialistic) purpose, and serves as a touchstone for Adam’s journey towards finding true purpose.

Relationships: Abraham serves as a friend and confidant to Adam – available to advise Adam, listen to his problems and concerns, and offer ‘tough love’ when appropriate. Abraham is not present in social gatherings but stays in the pond or appears mysteriously – always making Adam feel confidence in speaking with him in deep heart-to-heart discussions.

Conflicts: Abraham wants what’s best for Adam – but suffers some when he sees Adam only seeking material gains such as achieving CEO. He is hurt by Adam’s rejection when Adam asks him to butt out and allow Adam to chase power, acclaim, wealth and a coveted CEO position at Tezhouse. Abraham unravels the tapestry of false ambitions with heartfelt advice, even when that is not what Adam wants to hear. His wisdom transcends millennia as he listens, not with ears, but with empathy. His words are cryptic yet profound. Abraham doesn’t coddle. He dispenses truths like medicine – sometimes bitter, always healing.

Goals: Abraham wants Adam to find a higher selfless purpose rather than just chasing career success. Abraham is part of the spirit-system set up by the Creator, and interfaces with gurus and angels in his role

Appearance:  Abraham exists beyond the corporeal. His ethereal presence defies earthly norms. Standing at a towering 6 feet, his legs are sinewy and reminiscent of a frog’s, granting him agility and an affinity for both land and water. Extra-long arms extend from his lithe torso, their webbed fingers reaching out like bridges between realms. His beady eyes – ancient and knowing – reflect the cosmos, piercing illusions and seeing into the depths of Adam’ souls. His elongated, razor-sharp ears catch whispers from distant dimensions.

Sage advice to Adam: “Purpose,” he says, “isn’t found in accolades. It’s woven into selfless service.” 

Tough Love Mantra: “Ego is the fog that veils purpose. Serve not for applause, but for the quiet joy of helping others. ” 

Why Adam?: Abraham’s process of selecting those to help transcends human logic.  He gravitates toward those whose inner chords thrum with longing, seeking purpose beyond mundane existence. Araham seeks the wanderers, like Adam. He finds them at crossroads in life. He whispers :

Abraham asks: Why are you here? What is your purpose?” He sees Adam’s unwritten story and unlived dreams. He nudges Adam toward unseen true purpose, even if it means shattering Adam’s illusions. “Seek beyond self. Serve beyond ego. Purpose,” he says, “isn’t found in accolades and applause – it’s woven in service. Seek not fame, not wealth, but what stirs your soul.”