
Role in Story: Supporting Male Character, First Moon Guru

Age: 220 - 250

Occupation: Farmer, Guru, Stellar Sage, a Giant (7’5”, 350#)

Personality: Jolly, Encouraging, and Kind

Background: Roshi, from the planet Excelsior in the Pandora Galaxy in the distant reaches of the cosmos, came to Taoland to oversee new advanced techniques for agricultural production and ranching throughout the land. He also serves as a Guru for new people arriving on the First Moon. He is the first person Adam meets when Malaika delivers our protagonist to Taoland. Roshi serves as a mentor/teacher on the fundamentals of a good life. He is a touchstone to reality when Adam loses his way and needs advice.

Relationships: Roshi’s only family are those he employs on his farm/ranch, his neighbors, his customers, and the charges assigned to him in his role as Guru – including Adam. He offers wisdom of eons, guidance, tough-love, magic, and glimpses of the fantastical. “Why me?” asks Adam. Roshi replies “Because you carry the legacy of humans before their fall to AI – their dreams, follies, and potential for greatness.”

Conflicts: Roshi must ward off doubts and misbeliefs from those placed in his charge. He handles these brilliantly, with charm and wisdom – teaching fundamental lessons in relationships, morals, business, overall life, and one’s true purpose. Even as he is rejected by Adam “I no longer need you, Roshi”  – until the giant guru is on his deathbed and Adam begs forgiveness for his prideful arrogance, and announces he has finally discovered true]e purpose. Roshi responds, a tear flowing down one cheek, “When my light fades, Adam, you must carry it forward. My death is not the end but a new beginning for me, a transition between matter and energy. I will continue to watch over you forever.”

Goals & Motivation: He wants to be not just an ordinary guru, but a stellar age, an extraordinary teacher, a cosmic custodian of wisdom of the eons – a selfless friend to those he is assigned to watch over by the Angels. Roshi does not teach from textbooks – “Adam, experience the waltzing stars, the shimmering galaxies, the whispering nebula and the black holes, Adam – each tells a story – unlock the secrets they hold. Dream new dreams and then make them happen.”

He is driven not just by his expertise as a farmer/rancher, by his life’s deeper purpose – his role as a Guru. He acts exactly as any good Guru must. With Adam, he initially wants to teach him about Taoland, and the new life he is about to embark upon. He wants to guide this young man who had no role models in Novana about Adam’s first-ever job, career goals, falling in love, raising a family. Longer term he continues to play a key role in helping Adam discover his true purpose.