
Name: Ambrosia

Role in Story: Angel/Guru on the Moon of Abundant Harvest

Ambrosia’s Character: Ambrosia, the Angel of the second moon, is a celestial being of abundance and grace. She is known for its bountiful energies and life-giving properties.

As the guardian of our hero/heroine on this moon, Ambrosia’s purpose is marked by her unwavering commitment to nurture and support their complicated journey through travels through multiple lands, corporate corruption, fabricated scandals, marriage difficulties, alcoholism, and health issues. Ambrosia’s kind words and soothing smile help them weather the most violent of life’s storms – as her gentle nature and wisdom helps them find fulfillment and contentment in a sea of evil.

In her crimson dress, which mirrors the vibrant hues of the moon’s glow, Ambrosia attends to their every need, helps at gatherings and celebrations, inspires positive  growth and creativity, encouraging Adam and Traiana to embrace their potentials and flourish under her watchful eye.

Ambrosia’s Mission: One of endless generosity and love, a testament to the power of giving with zero expectation. Over time, she teaches that true abundance comes not from material wealth, but from the richness of the spirit and becoming motivated to be kind and to share freely.

Ambrosia was assigned by the Creator to assist Adam and Tariana, two souls in serious need of guidance and the touch of magic that only she can provide in perilous days.. Her role is not just as a guardian but also as a bringer of joy and wonder.

Adam, an inventor and marketeer, finds inspiration as Ambrosia’s lessons spark new ideas.

Tariana, falling victim to the scourge of alcoholism, is rescued by Ambrosia’s assistance in a time of great need. 

Together, they formed a bond with Ambrosia, a trio united by the wonders of the second moon. 

Ambrosia - a Treasure:  Ambrosia’s presence on the second moon is a gift to Adam and Tariana, and a source of magic that enriches their knowledge and their spirits. With every snap of her fingers, a cascade of twinkling lights in hues of red, orange, and yellow envelops them at their darkest hours.

“Magic,” Ambrosia says, “is the strength of dreamers, thinkers, and creators of new visions. You both embody such qualities. You are makers of music and dreamers of dreams. Barriers will always exist, but do not erect additional ones in your own minds. With honest effort, good will triumph over evil.”

Tariana, moved by Ambrosia’s offer of help, opens up about her journey. “Ten years ago, I met and fell in love with Adam. Today, he and I stand together on the brink of divorce.”

Ambrosia says: Let me guide you Tariana . That is something neither of you desire.You and Adam must listen to each other – and meet in the middle – if you are to save your marriage.”

And so, under Ambrosia’s watchful eye, Adam and Tariana do the work, come to  understand their partner’s point of review, and emerge stronger than ever in unconditional love.

Ambrosia’s Lessons: She says to them: “You both are like the trees, unique and essential to the tapestry of life. Your music and dreams are the leaves that enrich the soil of this world. Remember, barriers are but challenges to overcome. And, and with honest effort, good will always find a way to shine through the darkness.”

Ambrosia’s words are not just comforting; they are empowering. Adam and Tariana discover a renewed sense of purpose, guided by the wisdom and magic of their celestial friend. 

Ambrosia remains a constant source of support and guidance; her role transcending that of a mere guardian. She became a confidante and a healer, a beacon of hope in their times of need.

When Tariana faces her struggles with alcohol, feeling isolated and despondent because Adam immerses himself far too deep in his work at Ted’s house, Ambrosia doesn’t just offer comfort; she provides Tariana with a sense of purpose. Ambrosia guides her to channel her emotions into service to others, transforming her despair into a journey towards healing.

Ambrosia is there equally for Adam, whose challenges are different but no less daunting. When he finds himself ensnared by Bogart’s temptations – bribed, beaten, and brought to the brink of serious illness – Ambrosia’s magic becomes a restorative force. Ambrosia reminds him of his true purpose, not through admonishment, but by igniting a new passion for selfless service.With Ambrosia’s  help, Adam discovers a desire to build a better future for his family and community.

Ambrosia’s Wisdom is a guiding light for the couple, helping them navigate the complexities of life with grace as they head off to the Third Moon. She teaches them that every setback was an opportunity for growth, and every victory a chance to extend their true selves further. Ambrosia’s presence helps Adam and Tariana understand that the power of of new dreams can overcome any obstacle