
Role in Story: Son of Adam and Tariana. Brother to Kaleeva. Saxophonist.

Age: 1-27

Tojo’s Story: Tojo is born to Tari and Adam 18 months after they wed. Tari bears the main responsibility for his upbringing as Adam is overcommitted to his career at Tezhouse. As a teenager on the Second Moon, he blossoms as a young musician, a band leader, whose soul speaks through the haunting notes of his saxophone. 

Appearance: Tojo possesses an understated handsomeness – the kind that doesn’t scream for attention but lingers in memory. His eyes are deep pools of introspection, framed by thick lashes that flutter when he’s lost in thought. His tousled, sun-kissed hair falls across his forehead, perpetually in need of a trim. He displays a rare but genuine smile.

Personality: Tojo is quiet, an introvert, his voice often a whisper. But his saxophone roars. He speaks through melodies, not words. In a crowded room, he frequently retreats to corners, observing the world with a quiet intensity. His inner world is a symphony – an intricate composition of doubts, dreams, and unspoken longings.   Tojo thrives in solitude, where the saxophone becomes his confidante. When he does engage, it’s with a disarming smile. People gravitate toward him, drawn by his smile and easy laughter which like a distant rain catches everyone off guard.

Tojo feels the world acutely – the hum of traffic, the rustle of leaves, the ache of unrequited love. His saxophone becomes his emotional conduit, translating heartache into haunting ballads. Tojo forms a band as the lead saxophone player. His saxophone becomes a vessel – a way to vent emotions he can’t articulate. 

When the spotlight finds Tojo, he steps forward – the quiet teenager, the saxophonist. A girl in the front row watches him play – eyes wide, heartstrings taut. “Who are you?” she asks during a break. Tojo shyly stumbles over words. “Just a saxophonist.”

Tojo’s band is called “Midnight Echoes”. The name whispers of secrets shared under moonlight, of melodies that linger long after the stage lights fade. After gigs, Tojo slips away. The moon becomes his audience.

At home, dinner tables become impromptu stages. Adam and Tariana forks become suspended mid-air. The garage transforms into a sanctuary where “Midnight Echoes” assemble – and Kaleeva often listens in.

Tojo knows he’s balancing more than music and life. He’s weaving stardust into existence, creating a melody that resonates beyond himself. And when the applause fades, when the moon retreats, he’ll still play –  because music is his purpose, his saxophone's eternal echo.