
Name: Bogart

Role in Story: Main Antagonist, President Tezhouse First Moon, on the way to becoming CEO. 

Personality: A bully, to mask deep-rooted insecurities. Extremely jealous, vile, angry, and pompous. Rules by fear and intimidation.

Background: Bogart comes from the planet Nefarious. His father was a nobody – a drunk and a janitor who scrubbed floors – and a bully who traumatized Bogart and called him worthless, to cover his own failings and deep seated insecurities. Bogart murdered his father; then escaped to Taoland, vowing to ascend to the top of the material world and leave a legacy that would echo through history.

Relationships: Bogart is loveless, including in his marriage. He uses prostitutes for sexual relief. He is extremely jealous of Adam when he first becomes an employee at Tezhouse. This jealousy morphs into rage when Adam sets his sights on Bogart’s crush Tariana. And it amps up as Asdam emerges as his only threat to be named CEO. He makes a conscious effort to destroy Adam’s career, his family, and even his life. He wants to do better than his peers, especially Adam, and he will destroy anybody who gets in his way.

Conflicts: Bogart’s inner conflict centers around fears of failure and mediocrity: both terrify him. Bogart despises the mundane. He’d rather be infamous than irrelevant, and this destroys all hope for inner joy. His external conflict is his jealousy of Adam, his competition at Tezhouse, and he uses various tactics such as sabotaging his presentations, destroying his inventions, framing him in scandals, drugging him and even beating him. To become CEO of Tezhouse, which is what Adam is aiming for as well, Bogart becomes consumed with destroying Adam in all ways possible.

Goals & Motivations:  Humiliation by his horrible father scarred him. Bogart vowed to rise above those who mocked him. Revenge fuels his every move. To Bogart life is a zero-sum game, and Bogart plays it ruthlessly. He wins; everybody else loses.The thrill of manipulation, the taste of victory– it’s his adrenaline rush. Bogart’s soul is an abyss. He seeks fulfillment in power, wealth, and conquest. But the void remains, gnawing at him.

Characteristics:  Bogart’s Charm and Charisma: Bogart wears his charm like a tailored suit. His smile is disarming, his words falsely honey-coated. Some gravitate toward him, unaware of the venom beneath the surface. But his eyes, though seemingly warm, harbor a calculating mind. Bogart assesses situations, weighing risks and rewards. He knows when to strike and when to retreat. When angered, his eyes turn glacial. They pierce through pretense, exposing vulnerability. Those who meet his gaze feel like prey caught in a trap. Bogart twists narratives, and spins lies into golden threads. His words resonate  with fear, even as they deceive.He suffers from an emotional void. Bogart doesn’t feel compassion; he simply views others as pawns on his chessboard. He doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice anyone –colleagues, friends, even family – for personal gain. Bogart’s ambition knows no bounds.

Power intoxicates him. It’s not enough to climb; he must dominate. Bogart craves control like a drug, and he’ll crush anyone who challenges it.

Bogart’s secrets – bribery, deceit, blackmail – are his Achilles’ heel. He dreads exposure, so he tightens his grip on those who know too much. Bogart’s pockets overflow with hush money. He buys loyalty, silencing dissenters. He weaves intricate webs of lies, ensnaring rivals. Trusting Bogart is like dancing on a razor’s edge.

His dossier contains damning evidence – doctored photos, recordings, false confessions. Bogart wields it all like a sword. He sows doubt, pitting colleagues against each other. Fear keeps them compliant. He orchestrates falls from grace, tarnishing reputations irreparably.

Bogart’s sole goal is to reach the zenith. He’ll step over corpses, leaving ruin in his wake. He dreams of a legacy etched in stone, a name whispered in awe or fear. But as Bogart climbs, he edges closer to the abyss, and finally falls on his own corrupt sword. In the end he asks Adam for forgiveness.