Dr. Marlong

Name: Dr Marlong

Role in Story: Chief Scientist at Tezhouse First Moon and Adam’s First Boss.

Age: 50- 80

Dr. Marlong, the Chief Scientist at the Texas House, epitomized brilliance – a fusion of scientific acumen and marketing wizardry. Her resume bears the marks of countless technological breakthroughs, including the most advanced applications of AI. Her brilliance transcends mere equations; it pieces through the very fabric of space and time.

But Dr. Marlong is no recluse. She steps beyond the lab’s typical confines and dons her marketer’s hat – captivating audiences with her business acumen and ability to reduce the complex to the understandable. New AI concepts and products emerge from her lexicon with ease.

Alliance with Adam: From the moment Adam first arrives in Tezhouse, Dr. Marlong becomes not only his boss, but his coach and mentor, as she sees Adam for the very special technologist he is. Their friendship is like a cosmic embrace – a gravitational pull that defies time and their far different places of origin. Their relationship continues to strengthen throughout the story, as they come to trust and confide in each other in all matters related to Tezhouse.  Together, they embarked on a quest: AI software for pre-cures and prevention of previously incurable neurological brain diseases.

Dr. Marlong guides Adam to a series of patented inventions toward this end, but refuses to take any credit publicly. During Adam’s first ten years under Dr. Marlong’s tutelage.

Dr. Marlong’s Selflessness: Awards cascade in Adam’s direction, as Dr. Marlong remains in the shadows – taking pride in Adam's patents, other awards, promotions and sky-rocketing success. Dr. Marlong, veiled in binary humility, denies  her name on the patents, telling Adam:  “The universe knows my contribution.” 

But privately Dr. Marlong does wonder if her heart can bear both pride and joy for Adam along with some envy about the adulation he receives. But she constantly whispers to Adam: “These patents are yours, my young comet. You are the future of Tezhouse, while I am looking forward to early retirement and watching your star rise.”

Dr. Marlong becomes a role-model of brilliance and selflessness; her heart a quasar of mentorship.

Dr. Marlong’s Intervention: Later, when Bogart recklessly forces the inventions onto the market place before adequate human testing, Dr. Marlong unravels a conspiracy and corruption within Tezhouse, led by Bogart – a web of deceit and unnecessary deaths because their groundbreaking AI software is released for profit far too soon. 

Some early volunteer patients unwittingly suffer severe afflictions – the very diseases meant to be cured now ravage their bodies. Dr. Marlong reveals this to Adam, and together they are able to redesign TIPTDI, prevent scandal,  and heal the endangered patients before major financial and legal ramifications. Millions of lives are saved, but again  Dr. Marlong’s heroics remain veiled, her legacy etched in whispers.

To avoid corporate exposure, the evil doers at Tezhouse escape punishment. But Adam reveals the truth to Komourin – and downstream this is used to end Bogart’s career.