The Trustworthy, The Truthful
The above image is a calligraphic Arabic illustration of the name ‘Muhammad’
The Prophet Muhammad is the singular most influential figure in the development of the Islamic religion which is followed by an estimated 1.7 billion people today. Muslims believe Muhammad is the conclusion to a long line of prophets and messengers starting with the first man, Adam, and including well known prophets from other religions such as Noah, Moses, and Jesus the Messiah (Al Masseh in Arabic).
The Prophet Muhammad was born in the Arabian Peninsula to the Banu Hashim tribe at a time of turmoil. His father died before his birth – and by the age of six Muhammad had also lost his mother, making him an orphan at this tender age. But his grandfather noticed something special in the young Muhammad who was remarkably honest, kind, and wise. As a young boy, he worked as a shepherd and he exhibited these great qualities – and was given the names Al Amin –The Trustworthy and Al Sadiq – The Truthful.
As a young man, Muhammad began to regularly retreat to the Cave of Hira to devote time to solitary contemplation and internal reflection, knowing that there was more to life than simple wealth and power. It was during one of these times that a presence came to him with a message for all mankind, one of the oneness of God, the Supreme Creator – a message that threatened the livelihood for those in Mecca who thrived on pilgrimage for the worship of idols. Muhammad knew his message was bold and would threaten the very foundations of Meccan culture. He was driven out of Mecca to Medina. But he remained steadfast on his path and determination to deliver the Creator’s message.
In our trilogy, the concept of a singular Creator is explored through archangels and other messengers who communicate with our own Adam along his path. Such beings in our writings are inspired by individuals in history that include the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ.
Our hero, quite intentionally named Adam, is sent on a special mission by the Higher Power – guided by the unifying teachings of these and other teachers throughout history. Adam’s ultimate purpose was the discovery of true self and the realization that selfless service to others is far greater than any and all other pursuits.
During his prophethood, Muhammad’s message was one of goodness – a theme present in nearly all the world’s religions today. However many are led to believe the complete opposite today, understandable by what is happening across the globe in our times. We recognize the commonality amongst the different religions and accept historical teachings as universal truths. The following list highlights a just a few of these messages and include statements from the Prophet illustrating such:
Justice and Equality: "An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
Compassion and Mercy: "Have mercy on those on earth, and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you."
Charity and Generosity: "The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity."
Unity and Brotherhood: "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever."
Such truths provide essential lessons of compassion, kindness, and justice for Muslims today, although in the face of inexcusable violence this is not what is represented as truth in so much of the world beyond Islam today. These truths should be unifying guiding lights for all of humanity. They are consistently preached through all religions.
As authors, we study such gems, including the words and life-lessons of Jesus Christ found in our book “Inspirations 2024.” We apply them in our stories as they influence our writings; in hopes of promoting good and unity amongst our readers, people of all faiths. There is no doubt in our eyes that promoting universal goodness and hope can outweigh all the negativity we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
Sadly over the centuries humans have distorted messages that could unify us and instead preached words that divide us and place us into warlike camps. Those who slaughter innocents in the name of Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ are false teachers – and must be rejected as such. Certainly the leaders and words of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) were rooted in racism, hatred, and violence – rather than true representation of Christianity. Likewise, throughout history, individuals and groups rooted in political motivations, colonial agendas, or ignorance about the true essence of Islam have similarly distorted the teachings of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
We, your authors, are of different faiths. Yet in the years we’ve been partnered we’ve not had a single disagreement on the unifying messages we include in our books. We look as a team to history’s great teachers to light our way – focusing not on the differences that can divide us – but on common beliefs that might help unite us behind a common vision that might light our way. We pray that someday our shared world be united, so that our currently troubled world might come together for the greater good intended by our Creator.
“We are all different in some of the specifics of our beliefs; we are all the same in the universal truths of our beliefs.”