
Name: Malaika

Age: Eternal

Occupation: High-ranking Angel, Teacher/Guide for Adam, ‘Tour Guide’ through the Universe

Characteristics: Ethereal, Inspirational, and Loving. Direct, great at banter, employs ‘tough-love’ when appropriate.

Background: Malaika is a high ranking Angel – a mysterious character directed by a Higher Power, the Creator. She arrives in Novana in an amorphous cloud-shaped ship called Wanderer, part of the Fifth Dimension – at the very moment when Adam is on the brink of ending his life. She offers him the opportunity for a better life elsewhere. She stays with Adam throughout his life and guides him through his various travels, offering erudite advice every step of the way.

Relationships: Malaika is a spiritual messenger who travels throughout the Universe – assigned by the Creator to rescue, guide and mentor candidates searching for meaning in a life void of any meaning. She becomes attached to Adam via a deep, profound bond, as likely she does with others under her tutelage.

Conflicts: Initially Malaika is challenged, even perplexed, by Adam’s refusal to trust her. Once he somewhat reluctantly agrees to travel with her, she deals with his doubts, bantering, and  annoying questions with wisdom, as a sage – and abruptly drops him off in Taoland rto move on to another assignment.

Malaika returns midstream in his journey to find Adam has veered off the ‘good path’ to choose a false materialistic purpose. When she learns he has decided he no longer needs or wants her in his life – she does not bend – but instead confronts him and continues to teach him, with firm counsel. Eventually, in a later stage of the story, she regains his love and trust.

Goals & Motivations: Malaika’s sole mission is to rescue individuals from throughout the Universe and show them a better path than the fate they are experiencing. She guides them away from obstacles blocking their advancement and creating despair and false purpose by presenting new options – pathways toward the destiny for which they were created.

She wants only to fulfill her mission – called upon by her ‘big boss’ to assist those who are assigned to her. She wants to guide ‘stuck’ people to discover their true purpose – knowing full well they must make their own decisions, and that some will mess it all up, as is a common human failing.

Short-term in the story, Malika is there to suggest that Adam avoid the pitfalls of despair and nothingness. Mid-term she advises him to reject the false purpose of power and materialism. Long term her goal is to guide Adam to self-discovery and a purpose higher than himself.

The Whispers of Purpose: Malaika reminds Adam that existence without purpose is like a ship adrift. They whisper, “Seek your unique purpose — the compass guiding your voyage.” She urges him to reject fear and risk the unknown: “Fear guards the door to transformation. Step through fear’s threshold; therein lies growth.”

Hidden Talents: Malaika sees the dormant talents within Adam —the seeds waiting for sunlight. “Unlock your gifts,” her wings open wide, “Leap into the abyss, and you’ll discover courage, resilience, and rebirth. The unknown is a blank canvas. Paint your story with bold strokes.”

Take Risk: “Risk transmutes mediocrity into magic. Dare to forge gold from lead. Adopt change as a symphony. Trying new things is not failure; it’s the first brushstroke on life’s canvas.”

Be a Contributor, Not a Spectator: “Cease being a spectator; become a contributor. The world awaits your melody.”

And so, Malaika guides Adam by celestial whispers, helping him transform from nothingness into purpose.