
Name: Jabari, Angel/Guru on the Third Moon

Role in Story: Jabari guides Adam and Tariana in their final quest for true purpose – selfless service to others, particularly the underserved,

In the celestial tapestry of realms, where moonlight weaves constellations and starfire births legends, there exists an angel named Jabari. His wings, inked with the hues of midnight, carry him across the cosmic expanse – a sentinel, a warrior, and a harbinger of hope.

The Pegacorn, “Cloudchaser”: Jabari’s steed is no ordinary beast. It is a Pegacorn, a winged qilin  born of whimsy and magic. Imagine a stallion with feathers instead of fur. When it spreads its wings, the very fabric of reality ripples. t bears the name “Cloudchaser”. With wings that shimmer like auroras, it soars through the astral winds, defying gravity.

Adam and Tariana’s Odyssey on the Third Moon

Our hero and heroine embark on a quest across the Third Moon, where snowflakes whisper secrets and avalanches sing forgotten ballads. It is a waltz with destiny, with Jabari ever by their sides. 

One frost-kissed night, as Adam and Tariana arrive in The Moon of Blissful Snow, they meet Jabari. His dark skin glimmers like obsidian, and his eyes hold the weight of eons. He promises them guidance and protection.

“Fear not,” Jabari intones. “I am the bridge between realms, the guardian of lost wanderers. I shall weave stardust into your path.”

New Home: Adam and Tari dream of a new sanctuary – a haven where moonbeams dance on frost-kissed windowsills. And so, Jabari becomes their architect, forcing magic to flow through Tariana’s fingers as she shapes wood and snow. The House of Whispering Pines emerges – as Jabari blesses each room with moonlight.

“This hearth,” Jabari murmurs, “holds memories of forgotten suns. And this window – see how it frames new dreams?”

Our couple become more than a wanderers; they became servant leaders under the watchful eyes of  Jabari, a beacon of compassion and wisdom.

Jabari and Tariana: Jebari is by her side when Tari ascends to the role of CEO of Tezhouse Services for the Underprivileged (TSU), headquartered on  the Third Moon. Jebari serves as a guru, guardian, and confidant. “Remember,” Jabari whispers, *“you’re not just the CEO of TSU. You’re a steward of souls, a custodian of dreams. When power beckons, ask: ‘Whose life will this serve?’ When glory glimmers, inquire: ‘Whose heart will this heal?’”

Jabari and Adam: Adam,” Jabari intones, “the world beckons you to cease ascending  corporate peaks, reject  the CEO’s mantle, and discover a quieter, more meaningful  purpose – one that transcends titles,  stock options, expensive n0lis and homes, power  and glory,” Jabari says, “these lure  ships onto jagged rocks, leave captains shipwrecked in their own ambition. CEOs wield kingdoms, but kingdoms crumble. The glitter fades, and the soul withers.”

True Purpose: “Listen,” Jabari continues speaking to Adam, “to the whispers of compassion. Beneath the marble Tezhouse towers there lies a garden – a place where seeds of kindness sprout. Adam, your true purpose blooms there. It’s not in corner offices or quarterly reports. It’s in the quiet moments – the coffee shared with a struggling intern, the mentorship that ignites a spark, the charity that mends broken wings.”

Jabari’s voice softens, “embrace the 200% Life. It’s not about choosing one purpose over another. It’s about weaving them together. When you lead from your heart, the balance shifts. Business becomes a vessel for transformation. Success isn’t measured in zeros; it’s measured in lives touched.”

“Guide me,” Adam prays to Jebari. “Help me choose purpose over prestige.”

And so, with Jabai holding their hands, Adam and Tariana embark on their final journeys on Taoland – leaders who know that true purpose lies not in titles, but in random acts of kindness.“Fly,” he whispers. “Fly toward purpose.”

They prepare to depart Taoland – leaving trails of compassion in their wake.